by derothfils  directed by annalena fröhlich

"it's impossible to escape the fun."

costumes: romy springsguth

Inszenierung: Annalena Fröhlich. Performance: Fhunyue Gao, Giulin Stäubli, Annalena Fröhlich, Moritz Alfons, Dominik Gysin, Robin Adams. Musikalische Leitung: Moritz Alfons & Annalena Fröhlich. Bühne: Stefanie Liniger, Kostüm: Romy Springsguth. Licht: Mirjam Berger. Produktion: Michael Röhrenbach, Herzlichen Dank an Ralf Samens und Claire Vionnet. Koproduktion mit der Dampfzentrale Bern.

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PARK takes place in the vicinity of an amusement park, behind the glittering façade. The boisterous human masses on the site of the nearby park, a cacophony of laughter, show booths, machine noise, and disco tracks are clearly audible. But the audience sees something else. The audience is backstage, and what it sees and what it hears does not match. Sound and image are strangely contrasted. What is absent dominates the action, and the displacement of image and sound creates a strange and idiotic gap.